Friday 6 November 2015

Can dropping the paywall and upping the story count boost Sun’s website?

Image result for the sun news

Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul previously known for his refusal to give editorial content away free, has bowed to the inevitable by dismantling the Sun’s paywall. It was a flawed decision at its inception in 2013 and has proved to be disastrous ever since. Even a partial lifting of the wall in July made little difference. Indeed, it tended to frustrate non-paying visitors to the website who were uncertain what was, and was not, freely available.

"More journalists are expected to be hired to join the Sun’s digital team and to help boost the quantity of its content."

'Sport will, of course, be another major component.'

"The answer is that they will also be available free. It is thought that certain outstanding rights problems will be finalised by 30 November, the day when the paywall is demolished."

this article explains how the sun has lost a lot of viewers since the introduction of the paywall Murdoch has initiated on his news sites, they now have to try and bring the digital views up by a high number.

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