Sunday, 22 November 2015

Marxism & Pluralism: Alain de Botton on the news

Answer the following questions on your blog:

1) To what extent do you agree with Alain de Botton's views on the News?
I  believe with Alains point that the news only prioritises news that will catch audiences attention. That maybe much more less important news such as celebrities etc will be the front and main news and that the more important but very boring news will be at the back. It shows how news has turned into a marketing strategy to keep it running.

2) How can you link Marxism and Hegemony to de Botton's criticisms of the News?
This links to Marxism as news industries are controlled via the elite and that they showcase more of the elite people as a appose to less fortunate people. News will showcase something bad that has happened to a celebrity but wont bother to cover news on starvation of kids or the amount of innocent deaths due to war.

3) How could you use Pluralism and new technology to challenge de Botton's views on the News?
Alains views of a classless society show that now, everyone holds a smartphone. We can access news quicker and easier ever than before. We can now also become a reporter due to citizen journalism and platforms such as blogs, youtube, twitter and so on have allowed us to express our opinions and views more than ever before.

4) Choose two news stories from the last six months - one that supports de Botton's views and one that challenges his belief that the News is used for social control.

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