Thursday, 21 January 2016


1) Read the excellent article exploring the different representations of black people in British film and TV from Media Magazine 42 (MM42 fromour Media Magazine archive - page 51)

2) List FIVE films, FIVE TV programmes and FIVE online-only productions that are discussed in the article.


  1. Anuvahood
  2. Adulthood
  3. Kidulthood
  4. Attack The Block
  5. Sket
  6. Ill Manors

Tv Shows:

  1. Top Boy
  2. Bullet Boy
  3. Luther
  4. 55 Degrees North
  5. Line OF Duty
Online Only:
  1. Brothers WIth No Game
  2. Venus Vs Mars
  3. The Ryan Sisters
  4. Meet The Adebanjos
  5. All About The Mckenzies

3) Watch Destiny Ekaragha's clips above (more of her work is available onher website, including the short film The Park). To what extent can we apply Alvarado's and Fanon's theories to these films? Do they reinforce or subvert typical black stereotypes in British film and TV? Refer to specific scenes and events in the clips in answering this question and aim for at least 350 words.
In Gone Too Far, Destiny have used Alvarado and Fanons theories when creating her characters. Alvarado's black racial representations are shown as the movie is a black comedy therefore they are shown to be "Humorous". Also, the narrative shows how one black character has just been granted his visa, this may mean that he is Pitied, also he wears one costume throughout the entire picture. There are also many cultural aspects to the film , the mother is dressed in traditional outfits, this enforces the Exotic representation. Also, the lead female character costumed contains lots of fair make up and straight hair for a black actress, this can link back to Fanons theory of "Putting On A White Mask". This is due to the fact that the beauty influences portrayed come from white females, this shows how the media are making this a norm in society as the beauty standards are white.
In Tight Jeans, the main characters are also seen to be humorous. Also, Fanons theory of decivilization is in use as the actors are represented to be gangsters & pimps, they are also sitting on top of a wall on a higher level than the other character (white male in tight jeans). This may show that they are intimidating and above everyone else.

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