Sunday, 3 January 2016

NDM institution case study: News Corporation

1) Research News Corporation’s response to the growth of new and digital media by listing each of the institution’s brands (Sky News, Times etc.) Have any closed, changed or been in the news in the last 10 years for any reason?
UK and Ireland newspapers, published by subsidiaries of News International Ltd.News Group Newspapers Ltd.
US newspapers and magazines
2) Develop examples of the impact that new and digital media has had on News Corp’s brands (paywalls, readership figures, audience share etc.)
Some of news corps brands such as there newspaper services have been affected by NDM due to News Corp deciding to introduce a paywall scheme, this scheme meant that readers of The Times will have to pay a fee of subscription to read the famous newspaper, it was introduced well for the times and didn't have a very bad affect on the company, although they also decided to introduce this scheme to The Sun, they did this much later than the Times and it caused a fall in readers for the brand, it dropped 2million readers and has seriously impacted the newspaper. Although other companies like Sky have used new and digital media to its advantage as it they have created companion apps for sky tv subscribers, apps like sky + allows viewers to record and view tv guides from the comfort of they're mobile phones, sky also introduced a sky go app which allows viewers to watch live tv or tv on demand from they're smart devices, this has helped the business as not many people have the time to watch TV.

3) Use what you have found out about News Corp to answer the following question:
Why and with what success are traditional media institutions adapting to the challenge posed by new/digital media?

Traditional media institutions are adapting to the changes in technology, the rise of smartphones and mobile data have caused much more of a ease of access for users as they are now able to consume media a lot quicker, easier and all the time. This does mean that institutions can use this to their advantage like creating applications for users and by creating their own online sites. Although this means that traditional media like newspapers are rapidly beginning to die down, more and more people are reading news from a battery powered screen rather than printed paper. The news industry also made a bad decision by publishing news for free when the internet was becoming viral in the early 2000's, this meant that they wouldn't be making profit from online readers and no one would pay for news as it was available for free.

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