Thursday 1 October 2015

UK mobile ad spend 'to overtake print and TV'

This article explains how the mobile advertising industry is due to overtake TV & Print in its total advertising revenues. Mobile ad spend is expected to increase by 45% this year to £3.26bn in the UK, overtaking the £2.67bn that will be spent on print advertising across national and local newspapers and magazines.  Mobile ad spend will see a further increase of 35% next year, to £4.4bn, which will see it nudge ahead of traditional TV advertising which will account for £4.26bn of spend.
By the end of next year mobile advertising will account for half of the £8.94bn that will be spent on digital marketing in the UK. UK adults are expected to spend an extra 30 minutes a day browsing websites and using apps on smartphones and tablets this year compared to 2014. By 2017, Britons’ will be spending more than 3 hours a day glued to their smartphones.

I think this shows how much new and digital media has created an effect on institutions as they are now able ti advertise to consumers much more quickly and direct, people are now easily directed towards adverts as they now pop up on apps that you use.

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