Sunday 24 January 2016

Learner Response:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
28 = C

  • Good focus on the question and a clear opinion on the debate is offered. The examples you have are good - now you need more of them!


  • You don't clearly introduce your case study in your intro (in fact, it reads like your case study is social media + identity).
  • Need more examples + theories (and credit the theory).
  • Your argument is a little simplistic, you don't get into the idea that this democratisation of media is an illusion. Even if not your opinion should discuss the idea.

2) Read through the mark scheme. Of the six different statements, write which you think is currently your strongest and which is weakest. Explain WHY and, for the weakest, what you are going to do to improve in that area.
  • Enough critical autonomy shown though knowledge of variety of debates and contexts. 
  • Focusing on the main case study of news. This is because my focus wasn't solid on the case study of news and diverted to identities.
3) Read through the exemplar A grade essay. What does this essay offer that yours does not? Identify THREE things you can take from this essay to improve your own responses in future.

  • Much more quotes with referencing
  • More views on debates and form more wider opinions and angles.
  • More theories.
4) Write ONE new paragraph for your January assessment essay. Ideally, this should be a section you did not cover in your original essay. This paragraph needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme.

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